double tide造句
- Sydney had been working double tides that night , and the night before , and the night before that , and a good many nights in succession , making a grand clearance among mr . stryver s papers before the setting in of the long vacation
那天晚上,前一天晚上,再前一天晚上和那以前的许多晚上西德尼都曾加班加点,要赶在大假日到来之前把斯特莱佛的文件处理完毕。 - It's difficult to see double tide in a sentence. 用double tide造句挺难的
如何用double tide造句,用double tide造句,double tide in a sentence, 用double tide造句和double tide的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。